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Project AWE
Creative, strategic and very human.
We use creativity to connect people across chasms.
We bring creative practice into strategic decision making.
We create transformative events online and on land.
Our Offer
We design creative interventions for a wide range of organisations and institutions in order to catalyse change processes and alternative leadership models.
Communities of Practice
We support emerging arts-led social change practices and projects by connecting artists locally, nationally and internationally.
Practice as Research
We are engaged in ongoing practice as research, exploring how to move beyond western-centred collaboration.
We draw on multiple knowledge systems, ideas, perspectives and practices to facilitate high impact social change projects.
Artist With Elbows?
Elbows are strong but flexible, they’re vulnerable and they’re human.
One of the most complex joints in the body, the elbow is a hub of collaboration and connection.
Here different systems – bones, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels – work together.
What does the elbow enable?
Extension – a movement of stretching. Allows us to reach beyond what is comfortable, to discover new things.
Flexion – a movement of bending. Holds integrity while adapting to a changing context or need.
Key Resources
Our Instagram
Meqaqar.Live Conversation across Chasms.
Hope Street, Sub Saharan Africa collaboration and practice as research.
Arts in Uncertainty toolkit co-authored with Ettijahat, Lebanon.
The Tricky Balancing Act, Arts, Culture and Development, a thought piece created,
as part of The Change Collective, for the British Council.